For over 40 years, the Central Texas area has been graced with the hardworking people of the accounting firm, Brockway, Gersbach, Franklin & Niemeier, P.C. With that many years behind them, BGFN is more than a local business. They're a local institution – a staple in Temple, Texas.
As a current financial client of BGFN, we understand why 40 years has come and gone with ease. And BGFN is nowhere near stopping having hired a whole gaggle of millennial employees.
Last year, we were approached by the parters to revamp their website. The site was reworked in 2012, but had 2005 written all over it in design and functionality. With the influx of new, young Temple business owners – BGFN's target market – a new website to reach this predominantly digital audience was due.
We know accountants are detailed (how did we not know?). So the site took time to craft and perfect. We went through a slew of revisions. But we are thrilled with the final product. We believe it is outstanding and captures the heart of the financial services and customer care offered by these dedicated accountants.
The project began with a slight logo enhancement to give it a fresh facelift. We then moved to website content curation. Our time and efforts were spent in depth here in order to carefully craft a solid message capturing the legacy of 40 years. Yet we wanted to maintaining the "family" atmosphere of the company.
The message is on point.
Finally, we made the site responsive, vibrant and interesting, which are all important characteristics in reaching the target audience. We added powerful, new lead capture forms for new clients and current clients alike.
We look forward to continuing this relationship of moving BGFN into the next 40 years. But who's counting?!